When October 23, 2023 at 3:30pm 2 hrs
Where Rayburn House Office Building, Room #2060 50 Independence Ave SW, , Washington, , DC 20024, United States
Contact HinduACTion Outreach [email protected]

Hinduism is one of the world's largest and oldest religions with over 1.2 billion adherents in over 100 countries that encompasses an array of diverse traditions and belief systems with values of acceptance, mutual respect, and peace. There are more than four million Hindus across the country from diverse ethnic backgrounds, including individuals of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Malaysian, Indonesian, Afghan, Nepali, Bhutanese, Sri Lankan, Fijian, Caribbean and European descent. Over the past few years, there has been a marked increase in cases of targeted attacks against Hindus across the country resulting in physical violence, attacks on temples and institutions, often preceded by high-volume cyber social activism (https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2022/08/29/hindu-gandhi-taco-bell-punjab/).
The pattern of these attacks and the perpetrators are often the same groups and individuals involved in promoting anti-Semitism in the US. Rutger University’s NCRI Labs has highlighted this phenomenon in their reports. (https://www.rutgers.edu/news/rutgers-report-finds-increase-anti-hindu-disinformation)

Our Congressional Briefing aims to recognize the unity between Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Atheist communities in standing up against growing anti-Hindu hate and anti-Semitism across the US. It is with this unity we hope to inspire the public to recognize the decades and centuries of challenges faced by Hindus and Jewish communities. This effort will become the first platform in which actual victims of targeted anti-Hindu hate and anti-Semitism will be able to make their voices heard in the halls of Congress as proud Americans.

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